The earliest ancestor our Wiggins family has is Uriah Wiggins the 1st (there are so many Uriah Wiggins'). Several others who have shared their information with me have the same starting point and have not gotten past him, as far as I know. There is actually a lot of information on these vague figures! I will make a page for each primary ancestor to help keep it straight.
Uriah Wiggins the 1st's Children:
Uriah Wiggins 1st's wife is unknown. His children are:
Danial Wiggins born~1773 in Maryland. His wife, Martha (unknown last name) was born ~ 1785. They were married in Rapides Post in the Spanish Province of Louisiana. Their children were all born in Louisiana: Ruth, Moses, and Uriah.
Uriah Wiggins II (my family direct line) born ~ 1775 in Maryland. His first wife's name is not known, but his second wife was Margaret Adamson, whom he married in Dec 1809 in Mason County, KY. It is a guess that he also married in Louisiana. His child was Uriah III.
Elizabeth Wiggins born ~1781 in Natchez District Louisiana. She married William Whatley, who was born ~ 1775 in GA, in Louisiana ~1800.
Uriah Wiggins 1st Census Search:
In guessing that Uriah 1 was born between 1745-50 I made the following census (or equivalent) searches:
1778 Oath Of Allegiance, Washington Co, Maryland
Lists Uriah Wiggins with David and
1780 Petition to the Commandant at Natchez, Louisiana Province
Uriah is shown as a petitioner.
1788 Militia List of the Post of Rapides
Uriah Wiggins is shown as an American
1789 Petition to the Commmandant of Avoyelles Post
Uriah is listed as a petitioner
1789 LA Land Office Records
Shows Uriah owning 640 acres within the Avoyelles Post area on the Red River at the Wiggins Bayou junction.
1789 (26 Oct) Natchez Court Records
Uriah buys a slave in Natchez from William Cooper
1794 Militia List of the Post of Rapide
Uriah is shown as a fuselier
1796 Land Records
Uriah buys another 640 acres farther north on the Red River from Captian Bernard Martin Despaillier (later town of Kingston and then Pineville)
1798 Land Records
Uriah sells the 640 acre tract on Wiggins Bayou to Thomas Essex.
1799 Spanish Census of the Post of Rapide
Uriah Wiggins - 1 male under 24, 1 male 25-49, 1 male over 50, 2 females 25-49, no slaves, 20 horses, 50 cattle, 1 house. I am presuming that Uriah is over 50, living with his wife who is between 25-49, has 1 male and 1 female children between 25-49, and 1 male child under 24.
1800 Catholic Church Census of Catahoula Lake
Uriah (Urias) Wiggins - 1 Mugeres (?), 2 males, 1 female, no slaves
1801 Royal Survveyor, Carlos Trudeau
Surveys Uriah's land
1801 Petition
Uriah and Thomas Thompson initiate a petition to request the former Commandant, Valentine Lassyard, be reinstated to his position as Civil and Military Commandant.
1802 Letter from Commandant Lassyard to request that Richard Earl or Uriah Wiggins replace the Justice of the Peace, (Syndic) NIcholas Leavins. Uriah was said to know the area languages - Spanish, French, English and Indian.
1803 Land Records
Uriah sells his 640 acres to a friend, Adam Hoffman.
1807 Deed Book A, Catahoula Parish
Uriah (Urior) Wiggins listed in a debtor's ledger.
1809 Marriage Record
Uriah marries Margaret Adamson in Mason County, Kentucky. This is where his two brothers, William and John Wiggins live.
1811 Land Records
Spanish land grant of 640 acres honored by the United States Land Commissioner's Office for Uriah Wiggins on the Catahoula Prairie north of the Catahoula Lake.
Uriah sells his slave to his son, Uriah II. He also donates his land grant to Moses Wiggins, his grandson.
1814 Grand Juror's List for Catahoula Parish, Rapides County, Orleans Territory
Uriah and son Uriah II are listed as jurors.
1815 Estate Sale
Uriah signs as a witness to an estate sale. His wife, Margaret, leaves her mark.
1830 Catahoula Parish, LA US Census pg 221
Lists Martha (Margaret Adamson) as head of household
1833 Probate Records
Uriah's estate is under probate.
Much of the above information was provided to me my my dear distant cousin, Houston Tracy, Jr.