My cousin, Karen Wiggins Fair, has always been someone I admired. I remember being a little kid and thinking her long hair was so cool and thought it was super that she could play the guitar. She was also the infamous girl who played on the boy's basketball team in school, intelligent and successful student, and after graduating from high school, she was accepted to West Point Military Academy.
My cousin's family moved a lot (to me anyway - I lived in 2 houses all my growing up years, and they were in different spots on the same property) and we saw each other on Christmas and summer holidays sometimes as well as major events. One such event was her graduation from West Point in 1985. Our whole family went - we even skipped school! That trip was a blast! (Even though my family of 5 made it in a two door Chevy Citation... with two brothers who were bigger than me.. that part was not so fun.) We were all so proud of her and amazed at her accomplishments. It was a surreal experience to say the least to see the field of graduates in uniform and all of the military leaders and soldiers. After the ceremony, all the graduates threw their hats and we have photos with us wearing some of them. My brother even brought one home. It is something I have never forgotten, and I am sure our entire family holds that memory in a treasured spot.
Karen graduated and was given her first assignment soon after. Her academic and career accomplishments continued for the next 25 years. She has been all over the world in countless dangerous situations and, even though she has some medical 'scars', she was protected and is now making plans for the next stage of her life. I know she could not have done all of these things without her family's support, Marc and Jennafer - you are truly unique. I know they are looking forward to having a more permanent home and being able to be with family and friends more often.
Sadly, we could not be at her retirement ceremony. It was thrilling to be with her when she earned her promotion to Colonel and I am so happy that we did get to share that with her. She was able to get me a program from her ceremony and sent some photos. The program details her career, which would take other people multiple life times to complete what she has done. And now, instead of kicking back and taking it easy, she is looking for the next job to continue to make a difference in the world. It's because of that drive and focus, doing for others and trying to make positive change, that Karen is someone that just seems to be living her life like someone you learn about in history books. Instead of being a spectator of life, she is living it to the fullest, pushing limits at every thing she does, and making positive changes for other people as she gives of her self.